Badla: Movie Review Time tamarkar | Sujoy Ghosh's film 'Badla' is inspired by the Spanish film 'The Invisible Guest' which has been made in Hindi with a slight shuffle. It is a thriller movie that revolves mainly around two characters Naina Sethi (Taapsee Pannu) and Badal Gupta (Amitabh Bachchan). Naina Sethi is accused of killing her boyfriend Arjun (Tony Luke) in a hotel room. Naina is picked by Badal Gupta as a lawyer who has not lost a single case in her 40-year career. Badal gives Naina three hours to talk to Naina so that she can get to the bottom of truth and save Naina. Naina starts talking and many secrets are revealed in this three-hour conversation. Who is trapping Naina? Who murdered Arjun? Will Cloud be able to save Naina? Answers are provided for such things. The original story of the film is written by Oriole Paulo and the story has so much power that the film keeps you tied for the whole time. As the film progresses, layer-by-layer things ...
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